
As a Registered Investment Advisory firm, we are required to act as fiduciaries which means we must act with our client’s best interests in mind at all times. In other words, we can’t put our interests ahead of yours.

At Dillon financial Planning we are staunch consumer advocates so we take this duty very seriously.

With recent financial regulations that took effect in June of 2017, many financial services firms who had no prior fiduciary duty to their clients now have limited fiduciary requirements. These limited fiduciary obligations only apply to certain transactions and accounts. They owe no fiduciary duty beyond that to their clients. In our opinion, that’s a problem.

Now smart consumers need to be even more discerning. They need to make sure that their financial advisor is a fiduciary in every respect, not just in limited situations.

As Fee-Only, client fiduciaries, we will continue to demonstrate our commitment to serving our client’s and the public’s best interests.

Committed to You

As Fee-Only, client fiduciaries, we will continue to demonstrate our commitment to serving our client’s and the public’s best interests.